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𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐬.🌛 eis19 | inda12 chula work @gen.cute (k'hen) or DM ________________ | instagram.com/peteint?igshid=b7ghh39t6j8u |

@prangsx : here's to my other half. the most stupid partner but guess what we are holding each other tight enough every time we feel like we gonna fall, we say i love you and everything turns fine, we hug and all the angers disappear. we were doing the same thing over and over again but never get bored of it. we shouted, we turned back against each other but no one ever walk away. and today may be another bad day where i make you feel lost, in what you are doing and also in me. im not asking you to trust me the same like you were before but i dont want to give up on everything we did, all those effort we put, all those good and bad times that we have been through. i still want you to be here hugging me, scolding me, and ended up telling me you dont love me but you actually do. i love saying i love you every 5 minute eventhough i know you would tell me im stupid and will not say it back. i love calling out your name and got notthing to say. i love spending the whole day doing nothing with you. and now, i cant imagine what i would be doing if youre not here with me. please comeback and hug me the way we did before. i promise to be a better me and i will be holding your hand even tighter than before. lots of love here for you as always babe,my stupid hippo❤️
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